See also: Religious Life of the School
“The schools and colleges of the Archdiocese of Brisbane aspire to educate and form students who are challenged to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who are literate in the Catholic and broader Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith contexts and wider society”
This vision for Religious Education within the Catholic schools of the Brisbane Archdiocese provides a challenge to students and teachers: for teachers to engage students in a religion program that prepares them to live this vision and for our students to become a religious voice in the world beyond the classroom.
As a Catholic school, we seek to be a welcoming faith community in which all are encouraged and empowered to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that every person is created in the image and likeness of God and that we are continually being called into new ways of growing and renewing ourselves. We are challenged to examine who Jesus is and to live his message of serving in our daily life.
St Stephen’s Catholic Primary School provides an engaging and relevant Religion program for all of our students. Quality programs focusing on Religion that are well planned, age appropriate and pertinent to the needs of our community are delivered across the school. At the same time as we acknowledge that parents are of the first educators of their children in faith, we aim to work with parents in teaching our children to be religious in a particular way; having a deep knowledge of the Catholic Christian faith which forms their actions and attitudes in an ever- changing world.
Our St Stephen’s School Vison and Mission
Mission, Vision, Foundation Stones, Our Patron
Religious Education
Religious Education consists of two distinct but complementary dimensions; namely an educational dimension and a faith formation dimension.
At St Stephen’s the teaching of Religious Education is aligned with the BCE Religious Education Curriculum. Religion is taught as a Key Learning Area. The content of the Religion Curriculum has been organised into four interrelated strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. Planning for the classroom learning and teaching of religion balances and integrates all four strands as demonstrated through the School Scope and Sequence.
The first dimension, most commonly referred to as the classroom teaching of religion, is focused on Religious Education as an educational activity. As one of our Key Learning Area, Religious Education is based on an outcomes approach, emphasising the educational alignment between this key learning area and the other KLAs. We align quality Religious Education with the Archdiocesan vision, policies and guidelines.
The St Stephen’s School Religious Education Program provides a clear outline of the values, principles and processes involved in providing high quality learning opportunities in Religion. Students are provided with visible learning intentions and success criteria to assist with their learning about the Catholic Faith.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Stephen's School, 2023