Supporting Reading at Home

The role parents and carers play in their children’s reading journey should never be underestimated. Research tells us that parents’ perceptions, values, attitudes and expectations play an important role in influencing their children’s attitudes towards reading, and literacy development. The following are proven benefits of reading with your child:

  • Builds relationships and bonds between children and parents
  • Children’s reading and academic success improve
  • Children tend to read more,
  • Children’s self-esteem improves, and
  • Communication skills, vocabulary and general learning skills improve (PETAA, 2024). Parents and carers often have questions regarding reading with their child/ren. Some of these include:
  • What can I do to help my child learn to read?
  • How are children taught to read at school?
  • How can I avoid feeling frustrated especially when I have told my child the same word five times and he still does not know it?
  • How do I eliminate the stress associated with reading at home?
  • She/he wants me to read the same book again and again … what can I do?
  • She/he says they hate reading … what can I do about that? 

Here is a ​link to further information​ for parents / carers from the Primary English Teachers Association (PETA) which includes great strategies for reading with your child/ren. It is the joy and love of sharing a good book on a daily basis that sets the foundation for children’s reading success and ensures that reading is given the priority it deserves. Reading regularly with someone who cares is the inspiration to develop a love for reading and improve overall literacy skills.
